Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Failures on an Emotional Eater

Ok so this may get personal, actually wait this will defiantly get personal. All my life I have been over weight, from a very young age, however I have always been happy and  took pride in the clothes I wore, ok so let's fast forward a few years, in my late teens I started to be more conscious of my size and wanted to start loosing weight I did and lost approximately 3 stone so I was still a big girl but could still manage happily in day to day life. Now a couple of bad relationships later and life getting in the way I am sitting in my car writing this now an obese young adult woman who is suffering depression, I never thought this would be me! People warned me and did I listen? No! Slowly I started to comfort eat more frequently and gained a lot of weight in a small amount of time. The clothes I used to be inspired by no longer fit, the gym classes I used to go to are now a huge struggle. Now in no way am I sitting here blaming anyone but myself but if your reading this and see a familiar pattern, talk to someone maybes you need to talk about your emotions or seek professional help, I didn't, the weight kept going up and my confidence kept going down. I'm currently only fourth week of Fluoxetine and in the process of counselling. Once my demons in the past are let out into the open I'm hoping my weight loss journey will not be so hard. I admire you curvy ladies who are strong and confident your helping people liked remember why we are here!

Sorry for being too personal but thought it would be good to let you know a little bit about me.

Thanks for reading



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