Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Liebster Award!



I have recently been nominated for this award by Carolin at  and Michelle from

I am so pleased to be nominated! Thank you ladies!


The Rules!

-Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award

-Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger

-Give 11 facts about yourself

-Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)

-Let the bloggers know you have nominated them

-Give 11 questions to them to answer

Since I have been nominated twice I am going to pick  from Carolin and from Michelle's questions.

Question Time!

1) Why did you start blogging?

I decided to start blogging to help me deal with my day to day struggles with weight loss and depression, and also share my love for all things beauty and fashion. Blogging is my time, for me, my voice, my opinion and a hobby I can focus on to turn my life into something more positive for myself.

2) Have you changed much over the last year?

Defiantly! a lot has changed for me over the last year and all though a lot of it has been negative I am pleased that it is turning around and I am working on making a brighter future. I am a lot more (or at least trying to be!) more open and wiser now.

3) If you could star in a TV series based on your life, what would it be? (sitcom, drama etc…)

This is an interesting question, I think it would have to be a comedy, something like Miranda, I am loving watching old episodes lately. Its not offensive, not challenging and a laugh a minute mixed in with some 'it could only happen to me!' moments.

4) What is your dream job/ personal goal?

My personal goal has always been to loose a lot of weight so I am a healthy size and can gain the most out of my life. My dream job, in all honesty would be travelling the world, blogging and writing about my experiences, whether that be a book or a blog. Another dream job would be working as a plus size fashion designer.

5) What little thing makes you happy?

The littlest thing I own makes me the most happy, my dog Lulu. She is my little baby! She's with me whenever she can be and always there to make me smile and gives me a reason to smile.

6) How old are you?


I am 27, I will be 28 on March 3rd! Feeling old!

7) Fame or true love?

True love, always!

8) What is your favourite holiday and why?

Me and my mam went to Benidorm when I was 17, it was great, we both had our health and spent some quality time together getting to discover a new place.

9) What is your favourite era?

Interesting question! I love the 1940's-50's. Saying that musicals have took a huge part in this, I'm sure not everyone would dance and sing like Dorris Day and Judy Garland!

10) What is your favourite post from your blog so far?

This is tricky as my blog is still new, but I would have to say Tough Times, just because I found it hard to write but felt a sense of relief once I wrote about my feelings and thoughts.

11) Which is better: taking a bath or having a shower?

Bath, especially in the colder months when all the lovely, exciting Lush products come out!

11 Facts about me:

I have cheated and used the 7 from my one lovely blog award post!

1) I studied Graphic Design in Collage and have a degree in Graphic Design.

2) I live in Newcastle upon Tyne and have done all my life and I love it here, everyone is so friendly.

3) I used to be a bar maid and loved it!

4) I love writing, reading and would love to publish a book one day.

5) I am always sketching and designing pieces I would love to make for the plus size market and have a passion for fashion.

6) I enjoy sewing and being crafty. You will find me with the paper, glue and glitter!

7) I am a only child.

8) I have recently started to go back to aqua fit and loving it!

9) I still live at home with my mam and my dog

10) I drive and only past my test 2 years ago, the best thing I have ever done!

11) I am now a proud owner of a MacBook Pro! (really struggling at this point haha!)


Blogs I nominate:



Oily Skin Blog

Gillian Anderson

Laura Jane Wilde

Sarah Watson

Sammie Scaldwell

Prompts By Dee

Holly Pryce

Joanna Jana Laznicka

Diana Marks


11 questions for you!

1) What made you decided to blog?

2) What is your favourite thing to do in the colder months?

3) Name your favourite bath/shower products that you are using at the moment.

4) What is your favourite season and why?

5) What is your current job and what would your dream job be?

6) What did you want to be when you grow up apposed to what you are currently doing?

7) What is more important to you hair care or skin care and why?

8) If you could have the chance to have your perfect body, hair and skin care, the full package but have a horrible personality for a week only, what would you choose?

9) How long have you been a blogger for?

10) Where would you like to see yourself in two years time?

11) is a new blog, if you had to pass on one bit of advice you have gained blogging ,what would it be?

So those are my questions, look forward to reading your answers and be sure to link your posts in the comments below.


Thanks for reading

Tracy xx




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