Friday, 31 October 2014

Blogger of the Month!

If you are a regular reader of mine you will know how much I am enjoying blogging and how much it is helping me at the moment. So I thought that although I have my 'Blogs I Love' page I wanted to share with my readers a blog I have been loving for that particular month and share a little bit of info about them.

I want to feature bloggers who have both a large number of subscribers and also those of us who are just started out.

The blog in question?? Prompts By Dee!


Now when I first started out blogging I came across this lovely lady's blog, I really enjoy reading her posts and she always features a mixture between beauty, theatre and life in general.



Not only is her blog amazing she is also a lovely lady. Being a new blogger I get to speak to a lot of other bloggers and Dee has been someone who has always been there to help or give advice about anything blogging related and also if I have been feeling down etc.

So 'Blogger of the  Month' is a chance to find out a bit more about the person behind the blog, so  I have created a few questions which I will ask each blogger I chose to feature each month.

So lets get started and find out a little more about the lovely Dee from Prompts By Dee!

Name: Dee

Name of your Blog: Prompts by Dee

Website address:

Blog category: Theatre/Lifestyle

How long have you been blogging for? Nearly 3 months! It's gone so fast!

What inspired you to create your blog?

I'd been reading blogs for ages and loved leaving comments for people, but I started to notice that there weren't many people out that blogged for theatre or at least showed theatre at its most interesting. I had tried to blog in the past, but never lasted more than a couple of weeks because of school or life getting in the way. I've recently finished university so now have the time to blog!

What do you enjoy most about blogging?

I love sharing what I love with other people! There are so many people out there that blog about beauty and fashion, but being able to blog about something as unique as theatre makes a great challenge! I like how you can swap between different ideas such as life, beauty and theatre and no-one judges you! They either like it or they don't. I love the community and the fact that I have made so many friends and had so many people helping me out, not caring that I was a newbie, only that I needed help!

What has been the hardest thing you have found about blogging?

Sometimes deciding what I want to post about because I'm worried about what people will think or seeing people who started at the same time as me and doing so much better. I have to take a step back and tell myself that I need to be less picky with what I do and just do it.

If you could give advice to fellow bloggers trying to increase their followers/subscribers what would it be? What have you found most successful? 

Don't focus on your numbers. If you focus on them, you'll drive yourself mad. If you instead focus on your content and doing what you love, your followers will come.

If you could give someone thinking about starting a blog one bit of advice what would it be?

DO IT! You'll have so much fun and you'll discover skills you didn't know you had! You'll regret not taking the chance to try something new.

How can my readers contact you?

You can usually contact me through my Twitter account @promptsbydee

Thank you Dee for taking the time to answer my questions and I absolutely love your blog!!

Please go check out Dee and say Hi, let her know that you have came over from Little Miss Plus Size I am sure she would love to chat to new subscribers!

I would like to share with you my favourite post from Dees Blog:

Life | National Chocolate Week (Dee Style!)


This week has been a chocolate lover’s dream as it’s been National Chocolate Week!

When it comes to chocolate, it is both my friend and my enemy. I could easily have a whole bar of dark chocolate to myself and devour it within an hour. Chocolate can be useful for certain occasions like when your blood sugar is a bit low and you need a pick-me-up or you’re not feeling quite yourself and chocolate can make you feel slightly happier. I could have chosen all my favourite actual chocolates, but after seeing the Body Shop Lip Butter, it could got me wondering. What other beauty products have chocolate inspiration?

The Body Shop Lip Butter (on sale for £3)
Essie Chocolate Kisses (£7.99)
Revlon Colourburst Chocolate
Burt’s Bees Blueberry and Dark Chocolate (£3.69)
Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Palette (£45)
Ciate Mint Chocolate Nail Polish Remover (£10)

So many of these products I would love to own myself. I might end up making a sneaky purchase of the Burt’s Bees and the Body Shop Lip Butter. It might be one way of stop my actual chocolate cravings!

What chocolate beauty products have you brought/would love to buy?


I hope you like this new feature and thank you for reading!

Tracy xx

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

My Slimming World Christmas Countdown!


If have read my last post you will know that I have recently (this morning in fact!) joined Slimming World. For weeks now I have been humming and haring about re-joining a Slimming World group but I know that it works, and most importantly it works for me!

Walking through the doors of a new class but I knew that the consultant would be Emily, a consultant whose groups I have attended in the past. I was immediately welcomed with a huge smile and a familiar face.

Emily knows my struggles and seeing as I was the only new member of this group it was more of a 'are you sure your ready?' talk rather than a normal new member talk. It was hard but I was able to tell her about my depression and my issues with food and she was so supportive. Have you ever seen someone just want you to succeed and do well? that's Emily. She is not interested in commission or sales she is all about the person and their journey and that's why I chose to go to one of her groups to re-start my journey.

Now I have been through this before so I know I will have good and bad days so I decided to join with a 12 week countdown, which is simply a commitment to yourself that you will attend group for 12 weeks and you gets a couple of weeks free for doing so.




I was presented with a Christmas gift tag, a tag that is a chance for you to think and write down your Christmas wish for your weight loss goal between now and Christmas.


This is a great idea, being someone who has almost a whole person to lose in weight the thought of setting a goal can be quite daunting so breaking it down and giving myself a smaller goal is I hope going to be a positive things for me. For myself my wish is to lose 3 stone between now and Christmas, which considering my size should be achievable with a bit of hard work.


Whilst I was in class I picked up there Nov/Dec magazine, now every year whether I am following the plan or not I pick up this magazine as it contains there New yearly calendar which provides great recipes to keep you motivated!

So over the next 12 weeks (at least) I am going to be posting a Slimming World related post to let you know how I am getting on.

If your thinking about starting a eating plan, whether that be Slimming World or not, don't let anything hold you back, people understand what your going through and are only there to offer help and support.

I am always here if your having a bad day or looking for someone to talk to. I hope that you will benefit from these posts as much as I will benefit from your support.

We can do this!

Thank you for reading

Tracy xx

My First Interview! TCS New York Marathon 2014!



I am so excited to be writing this post. Back in 2010 I was studying my first year of Graphic Design at degree level. I was lucky enough to be able to afford to and go to New York! I absolutely loved it and always said I would love to live there.

The people were extremely friendly and they loved the British accent. In 2010 I was a barmaid, office worker and also studying towards my degree so as you can imagine I was always on the move. Looking back to where I was then to where I am now is like looking back at a different person. At the moment the only thing that keeps me moving is my work and that is a desk job so my fitness levels are really low as well as having a huge weight gain over the years!

In July I managed to do the Race for Life for cancer and I was really proud of myself for being able to do it. Now it did take me 2 hours to WALK 5k but I did it and I couldn't of done it with out the support of two great friends.

After the race one of my friends mentioned that in the next 4/5 years her and her sisters are planning to run the NYC marathon and I would love to be able to do that one day! Obviously it will be a while before I would be signing up but it is a goal of mine for the future.

So when I received an email to say would I be interested in the stories of runners, running in this years TCS New York Marathon I was very keen. I was given the opportunity to interview the runners so I decided to put together a set of questions that I would like to ask and hopefully there stories can inspire you to!

So I will get started on the interview!

Brandon Wood, 32, of Anchorage, AK,




1.       What inspired you to lose weight?

Shortly after my daughter was born in December 2009, I was looking at photos from the hospital. It was the first time in a while I had really looked at photos of myself (you find lots of ways to avoid it when you're overweight and don't like how you look). I finally realized how bad I had let things get (I was just under 300 pounds at the time), and knew I had to do something if I was going to be around to see my kids grow up.

2.       How do you go from being overweight to running in the NYC marathon?

I started out slowly, first just trying to eat a little bit better, then throwing some exercise in. I started running a few months later, originally just thinking I'd run a couple miles 2 or 3 times a week. Before I knew it, I was hooked! I ran my first marathon in December 2010, almost exactly one year after my daughter was born and my weight loss journey began. The TCS New York City Marathon will be my 15th marathon.

3.       Have you been following a particular diet or just healthy eating?

In the past I had tried a few diets like Atkins and South Beach, and had some success with them, but they were difficult to stick with for very long, and then the weight would just come right back. This time around, I've just focused on eating healthier, and eating less.

4.       Do you allow yourself 'bad' foods?

Yes, I don't consider anything completely off limits. I think by making a specific food completely off limits, it just makes it more attractive and more difficult to avoid. I just try to eat less of the "bad" foods than I used to. But if I really want that piece of cake, or donut, or piece of chocolate, or whatever else, I go ahead and have it. Now, instead of having a gigantic piece of cake, I'll just have a small one. I still get to enjoy whatever it is, but don't feel the need to completely stuff myself anymore.

5.       Being someone who is very unfit and struggles with walking what would your advice be to people who would love to run but who are maybes not physically fit enough at the moment?

Find something active that you can do, that you actually enjoy doing. Running isn't for everyone, and there's nothing wrong with that. You want to find something that you actually enjoy and look forward to it, so you don't feel like you "have" to do it. Otherwise, you probably won't stick with it for the long haul. Maybe it's swimming, biking, playing golf - whatever. Just find something active you enjoy and do that. Don't feel like you have to be a runner just because that's what you see other people doing.

6.       Times when you were struggling what motivated you to keep going?

I pretty much always bring it back to my kids. I want to be the kind of dad that can run around all afternoon playing with them, not having to make excuses for why I need to take a break or can't play with them right now. I also want to set a good example for them, so that they grow up where eating healthy and being active is their normal.

7.       What inspired you to run the NYC marathon and what is the difference from any other race?

New York is just such an amazing city, and the marathon is an iconic race. My wife's family is from New York (Long Island), so we've visited many times. I've been trying to get into the race the last 4 years, and was so excited to finally get in this year.

8.       If you could give one piece of advice to anyone wanting or trying to lose weight or get fit what would it be?

Start small - you've got a long journey ahead of you, don't feel like you have to make huge changes on day 1. Instead of trying to cut entire food groups out of your diet all at once, maybe try just adding some more fruits and veggies to your diet. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you're going to start running, you don't have to go out and run 5 miles the first day. I started with a "Couch to 5k" app on my phone, which starts you out with something like 60 seconds of running at a time, with 90 second walking breaks in between.


Logan O. Davis of Fort Smith, AR



1.       What inspired you to lose weight?

My weight loss inspiration came from my colleagues in the Greek Life Office at LSU where I worked as a graduate assistant in September 2012. They convinced me to participate in a weight loss challenge centered on setting and meeting your own weight loss goal. At the time I weighed 218 lbs, 12lbs less than my maximum weight.  Initially I was hesitant to enter. Was I overweight? Yes! But did I really need or want to lose weight? I wasn’t entirely sure. Reluctantly I provided the registration fee, which you recouped if you met your goal. My initial goal was to stop drinking Coca-Cola and cut out a few sweets and snack here and there during the 10-week challenge. In the first 2 weeks I had lost 7 lbs – on diet alone. I was amazed and wanted to see if this is something I could actually do. The next week I joined a gym and began walking on the treadmill with an incline for 30-45 minutes per day, 3-4 days per week. I also started to track my calories with an IPhone App and monitor my steps with a Fitbit. For the first time in my life I took into consideration what I was eating.  The final weigh-in yielded positive results. I exceeded my goal and lost 20 lbs, weighing just under 200 lbs.

The weight loss challenge showed me it was possible to lose weight. It brought out a Logan I had never seen before. I was happier and felt better than ever. My breakthrough moment came on Thanksgiving Day 2012 in Water Valley, KY. I woke up Thursday morning ready for my standard morning workout. Unfortunately, the rural roads in Western Kentucky don’t have numerous TVs to watch while you walk. Attempting a walk seemed boring, so my lighter, confident self decided to run. I made it a mile and half, the farthest I ran in more than 5 years. I was elated and felt transformed, a feeling I had never experienced and one I will never forget.


2.       How do you go from being overweight to running in the NYC marathon?

My weight loss story is definitely a journey, an unbelievable journey. I started to take running seriously at the start of 2013. I was running 3-4 times a week with varied distances. I could not believe the feeling I experienced from running. I quickly became a believer in the “runner’s high.” In April 2013 I ran my first 5K - my first organized race. At this time I weighed 140lbs and had lost 90 lbs total. A year later, with three half-marathons in-between, I ran my first marathon at the OKC Memorial in April 2014 – a year to the day from my first 5K.

In the process I became a runner in every essence of the statement. The biggest step in preparing to the run the TCS NYC Marathon has been believing I am a runner both mentally and physically. Now there is no questioning if I am a runner, it is who I am and what I do.

3.       Have you been following a particular diet or just healthy eating?

When I first started losing weight I strictly watched calories. I didn’t do any fancy diet other than cutting calories. My wife and I would research healthy and low calories recipes to eat for dinner. I continued to cut out Coca-Cola and would have an occasional Diet Coke or Coke Zero.


When I started training for my first half-marathon, I started researching running nutrition. I now try to focus on a nutrient rich diet with substantial vegetables and fruits. I have also become a label reader in the grocery store. I try to avoid trans-fat and limit my added sugar intake.

4.       Do you allow yourself 'bad' foods?

Yes! For deserts and sweets I typically schedule them into my diet in small portions. It might be a few Pretzel M&Ms after lunch a couple days each week. For large meal items, i.e. cheeseburger, I schedule those items into my diet well in advance. I know for me, there is no way I could get rid of certain things all together, i.e. carrot cake, cheese burgers, or pizza. If I put them in my schedule, it becomes a reward to stay on track until that meal.

5.       Being someone who is very unfit and struggles with walking what would your advice be to people who would love to run but who are maybes not physically fit enough at the moment?

Start small and do what you can. If I would have tried to start running in September 2012, I would have crashed and burned big time. You have to approach fitness, like eating an elephant, one bite at time. The only way to get to your desired fitness level is by doing something.

6.       Times when you were struggling what motivated you to keep going?

I have to constantly remind myself that making a lifestyle change is a journey.  If I did not have bad days or struggles would I really make myself better, would I really be making a positive change?

7.       What inspired you to run the NYC marathon and what is the difference from any other race?

Training for my first marathon I realized how far I had come in such a short time. A year before the start of the race, I had never ran a 5K. As I prepared to embark on my second 26.2 mile journey, I realized I had a story. Losing 90lbs and training to run 26.2 miles is something I should be proud of and want to share with the world. What better platform to share my story than TCS NYC Marathon, the largest marathon in the United States? If a former overweight kid from rural Western Kentucky could train and finish the TCS NYC marathon, than anything is possible.

8.       If you could give one piece of advice to anyone wanting or trying to lose weight or get fit what would it be?

Don’t give up on something you think is unbelievable. I never imagined at age 25 I would weigh 140 lbs and wear a small shirt. To me, it is truly unbelievable. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to; it turns out this has been extremely beneficial in marathon training as well. Also know that you are not alone, people all across the world are in the same journey so don’t be afraid to share your story.


Cheryl Cook, 57, of Clayton, GA



1.        What inspired you to lose weight?


I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'd given up hope. My son, a flight medic and firefighter, told me if I didn't change my lifestyle, I was going to be that call that nobody wanted. He told me he didn't want me to die. I'd just gotten out of the hospital with kidney stones and critical low potassium.


2.        How do you go from being overweight to running in the NYC marathon?


Determination! It all started with baby steps and moving forward one step at a time. I couldn't walk around the block without stopping in June 2010. I kept walking until I could without stopping, then started walking/jogging every other light pole. My first 5k took close to an hour and I couldn't run all of it, but I finished and felt successful. The running bug bit and 5k & eventually 10k runs were the weekend focus. By November, my son and I ran the X-Country half marathon in Alfia, Fl. I was clueless and again felt amazing once it was done. In 2013, a friend suggested that halfs were no longer a challenge and suggested a marathon, so I registered for the Disney Dopey Challenge, four days for 49.6 miles in January 2014. It comes down to setting a goal and taking steps towards that goal knowing failure is no longer an option.


3.        Have you been following a particular diet or just healthy eating?


My change all started with a Spark. My son uses Advocare's Spark for B vitamins and focus. It is sugar free and clean. I replaced my daily 6-pack of diet Mtn Dew with one Spark in the morning and one in the afternoon. I felt great, had energy and hope for regaining control of my life. I made one change at a time. Baby steps. As I got rid of the soda, got vitamin B in my system and began walking/running, I gave up candy, chips, etc. I added in more fruits and found great salads and steamed vegetables. White breads and potatoes were replaced with whole wheat. Fish & chicken most nights.


4.        Do you allow yourself 'bad' foods?


Yes, but it just doesn't taste as good as it used to. I love big soft pretzels with mustard. Instead of two or three, I share one with my husband now. Moderation is the key. A few of anything occasionally doesn't put the weight on.


5.        Being someone who is very unfit and struggles with walking what would your advice be to people who would love to run but who are maybes not physically fit enough at the moment?


Set your goal and focus on that goal. Don't compare yourself to others; this is your journey and your victory! Find a positive support group. If your support group doesn't fit you, find a different one. I had several "friends" tell me I held them back and was initially devastated. I quickly found a different group that was encouraging and fun to be around. I'm a slow runner and that is okay. My race; my win.


6.        Times when you were struggling what motivated you to keep going?


My dad, Colonel James H. Wallace, Jr., Ret., fought to come back from a massive stroke. He never quit. He worked hard. When I thought about quitting, I thought of how hard he fought and all he gave everyday. I encouraged him to fight through rehab and he challenged me to get healthy.


7.        What inspired you to run the NYC marathon and what is the difference from any other race?


My father took me to NYC when I was little. I loved the city and the experience. When he was fighting to recover from his stroke, I told him I was going to run NYC for him. He said "Don't just talk about it, go do it." I hit the lottery and together we will complete the TCS NYC Marathon. He passed September 18, but will be on my shirt and coaching me in spirit.


8.        If you could give one piece of advice to anyone wanting or trying to lose weight or get fit what would it be?


Believe in yourself. One step at a time.

Very inspirational stories and I would just like to say a huge thank you to the runners for taking the time to answer my questions I really appreciate it! Over the past few weeks I have been humming and haring about joining Slimming World but reading your responses to your questions gave me the push I needed and I re-joined this morning committing to a twelve week countdown. I will upload a separate update later on in the week.

So once again thank you so much! And a huge good luck for the big day!

The race takes place on Sunday 2nd November so not long to go!

Please feel free to comment below or if you have any further questions regarding the race take a look at

Fingers crossed and hopefully I might join you in the future! you all are truly inspirational!

Thanks for Reading

Tracy xx


Daily Blogging Essentials!


So being a newbie blogger, I have quickly learnt the products I need or use on a daily basis when I am out and about and I thought I would share them with you!

Now the first thing you may notice that is missing and is essential is my camera, unfortunately this has not been included as I used it to take my pics, but I am loving it! I am still learning but I can see a huge difference in my photographs using my new camera.


One thing I would defiantly recommend to people looking to start blogging or who are currently blogging is carrying a Diary and a notebook! Its true what they say, you just never know when or where your inspiration will come for future blog posts so it is handy to have a notebook.

I like to be as organised as possible so having a diary allows me to keep a schedule of my posts and also when I want to post in the future. It is also a great place to keep your blogging contacts so you have everything in one place. I have chose to use a Filofax as sit is both a notepad and diary.


To go with my Filofax I also carry around this handy card that contains post it notes and page flags. When an idea has came to me sometimes I quickly jot it down on a post it note and then later write it in my notebook. Also if you want to make a page stand out or easy to get to then the page flags also come in handy.


Now I don't know about you but I often find myself with notes or ideas on scrap bits of paper and sometimes I don't have time to write things down in my notebook so these bull dog clips come in really handy to put them all together in one place. Also they are great for sectioning your notes together to.


I have always got a pen or two in my bag and I find that having a traditional blue or black pen is a must but also a coloured pen can really help highlight the things you need to remember or if your like me they just help to make things look pretty.


Where would I be without my iPhone?  this is an essential for me keeping on top of emails and social media when I am out and about. Now iPhones are renowned for having a bad battery so I always carry my charging cable and portable charger just in case my phone dies.



Now they are my daily blogging essentials, have I missed anything or is there something you think I would benefit from? please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for Reading

Tracy xx

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Boots Makeup Haul!

Autumns here! The dark nights have kicked in and unfortunately my make up bag is living in Summer!

So what better excuse to go shopping and buy some new products. I like my skin to appear matt in the colder months however I do like my skin to look like skin and not make up. I chose to repurchase Rimmel's Match Perfection in 010 Light Porcelain. I love this foundation, the coverage is light/medium and the finish is lovely, you can still see your skin but it helps to blur out imperfections. £6.99

My main reason for repurchasing this foundation is it is one of the few high street brands that offer a pale colour that matches my skin. I am a person who would rather go too light than too dark so this shade is perfect! I am really looking forward to using this again.

Another Rimmel product I absolutely love is their Stay Matte long lasting pressed powder. This again has to be the best high-street/budget powder I have tried. I always purchase this powder in 001 Transparent. This is perfect as you don't have to worry about colour matching and the powder is great at setting your foundation and even touching up through the day if you feel the need to. £3.99

The next product I managed to pick up is Revlons 24 hrs Colorstay foundation in 110 Ivory, I have never tried any Revlon foundations but a lot of people have recommended this foundation for pale skin so I am looking forward to trying this. The only down side is that there is no pump applicator which unfortunately for me generally means I pour more product than I need, but I am sure this will be fine once I get the hang of how much I will be using. £12.49

Whilst I was looking at the foundation I saw their photoready Perfecting Primer, I am a strong believer that primers can make your make up last a lot longer on the skin and also gives a great base for your foundation. I normally use Benefits Professional however that can work out pricey for every day use so I thought I would give this a try. I purchased this in 001 which I assume is the lightest they do. £11.99

I had to pick up another Collection Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer in Fair. This stuff is amazing at covering blemishes and dark circles. I have tried many high end concealers bút I still come back to this. It is cheap and cheerful and does the job. This is a make up bag must have for me. £3.99

I decided to try a Revlon Blusher, I chose 002 Haute Pink. The colour looks quite vibrant but when applied delicately I could imagine it looking like a rosy pink. I have never tried their blushers before but I thought I would give them a try. £7.99

I love bright lips, but for everyday especially working in a office it is not always suitable. looking in the make-up isle I was searching for a 'your lips but better' colour when I stumbled upon Loreal Paris Collection Exclusive by Julianne, in the colour Julianne's Nude. It is a lovely pink colour and think it will be perfect to give definition to the lips but not be too in your face to wear at the office. £8.19

Last but not least I picked up a pack of two Models Own beauty blenders. I love applying foundation with these as they make your foundation appear flawless. Mine was looking a bit worse for wear so thought it was time for a new one.

So I hope that might have inspired you to update your autumn makeup. Just to let you know that from October, the last day of every month I am going to be doing  Blogger of the Month feature, keep a look out for the mystery blogger who if all goes well should be appearing here on Friday, I am so excited about this!

Let me know in the comments any of your recommendations and what your looking to purchase this Autumn.

Thanks for Reading

Tracy xx


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Feeling Flushed?


Recently I thought that I would treat myself to a new blusher, I have been using Benefit's Dandelion blush which I love, its a soft baby pink colour and in my opinion you cant go wrong with it as you have to be extremely heavy handed to make an obvious 'streak'. I am also using a MUA blush in a deeper pink and I have to say it is great value for money.

I have never owned any Urban Decay products and I have been wanting to try one of their naked palettes for a while but I wouldn't know which one to go for! With that being said I thought I would give their Naked Flushed palettes ago. I always navigate towards a pink blush opposed to a peachy blush so the Naked Streak offered a lighter bronzer but the blush was a pinky peach colour so I opted for the Naked option. The blush is a very deep pink but can be used to create a subtle flush of colour.

The palette consists of a blush, highlighter and bronzer. You can use the three products separately or swirl your brush in the palate to create a unique blush colour. If you contour this palate would be ideal as the bronzer is not glittery so you could use it as a contour colour and then you would have you shimmer highlighter and your blush to complete the look.

The palette comes in at £22 which I would see as being a considered purchase and you can get good quality blushes cheaper however I have been wanting to try this brand for a while so I could justify spending £22 on this palate.

One thing I do want to stress is that if you maybes don't have as much disposable income as you would like or maybes do not want to spend that much on make up then check out the drugstores. With make up yes it is lovely to have high end make up and yes you do get a better product but ask yourself when will you be using it? For example every day make, you could buy dupes for the high end brands and maybes buy a higher end product for a special event, or night out. That way your make up will look different when you want to feel a bit more special and also you will use less product.

Money doesn't rule the world, all though it might seem like that sometimes. Just be cleaver and spend time look for alternatives, at the end of the day the quality of your skin and technique can make the least expensive make up look a million pounds!

In my opinion I will be using this palette in both the winter and summer months and it would make a lovely Christmas present!

Do you own any Urban Decay products? Which would you recommend? Do you own any of the Naked eye palettes? which would you recommend?

Let it go!

Recently a friend mentioned that considering my current situation the song 'Let it Go' reminded her of me, this got me thinking and when you actually listen to the words of the song its quite sad.

Now my cousins little girl loves Frozen and dances around to all of the songs, like many young girls go, but have you ever really listened to the lyrics and can you relate to them?

That's why I am a huge fan of Disney films, when you are young there great, you can get captured in a fantasy world and when you are a little older you can still appreciate them and see a real life situation that they are trying to portray, for example Snow White, now I know there aren't little dwarfs living in the woods in real life but it teaches you about trust, strangers and being deceived. When Snow White is given the apple she trusts the old lady, little did she know she was actually trying to deceive her!

I bet if you think about your favourite Disney films you will find some sort of hidden adult lesson in the story.

I know this is very random, but maybes you have a child, or a child in your family that loves Frozen and has probably sang the song 'let it Go' to death but have you actually took the time to listen to the lyrics and the message behind them?

I have included the lyrics below and can you relate to them at all?

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation,
and it looks like I'm the Queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in;
Heaven knows I've tried

Don't let them in,
don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel,
don't let them know
Well now they know

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past

Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway!


Thanks for reading

Tracy xx


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Letting go of Self-Destructive Behaviours!


A few weeks ago now I was sent a copy of Dr Ferentz's book 'Letting go of Self-Destructive Behaviours' and I have to say I am so lucky to have been sent a copy!

I say lucky, because I am not a huge lover of reading 'self-help' books but I have not been able to put this one down. This is a book in all honesty, that I would probably pass buy and not purchase but please don't let that be you. what I enjoy about this book is a lot of the feelings and thoughts mentioned in the book are some of the ones that I am going through or have experienced in the past. Knowing that your not alone is a huge relief and almost reassures you that things will get better.

Unfortunately for me something happened when I was younger that has made me the way I am today, and it has only been recently that I have learnt this and started to look at how I have allowed my past to effect my future.

I constantly say this because I believe it to be true, it is a long and painful process but the only way to turn your life around is to find the route cause of what is making you sad, anxious, depressed etc and try to work through your issues.

For me seeing a councillor is really helping, talking to someone and saying things out load helps enormously especially when maybes you have not spoke about a particular event for over 20 years! Now I know that's not for everyone, my mam hates the thought of talking to someone so she has found the book very helpful.

This is not just a book to read, there are activities that get you to start thinking about things, for example the first thing asked of you is what are your thoughts about talking to a therapist etc finding your triggers etc. For me this helps, its something I can interact with, it is a way of making me think about my issues in a unforceful way.


I would strongly recommend reading this book, try and get a copy from a library if your not wanting to spend money or maybes if you have a group of friends that could all put in a small amount and group together to buy and then circulate it.


I am in no way saying run out to the shops and buy this book because I sad so, however I wouldn't have and it is helping me so much so if you cant or don't want to purchase it find other means to read this book, if nothing else it will help you realise what you are doing that is holding you back from your own happiness.

I would like to add some information which I have received about the book below:

Hurt people hurt people – most often themselves

Do you ever feel scared or upset by your behaviours, yet resist the idea of stopping or changing them? Do you have a friend or loved-one who is floundering but hasn’t asked for help?

Letting Go of Self-Destructive Behaviors offers a toolkit full of inspiring, creative resources for the millions of adolescents and adults who struggle with self-destructive behaviours, like deliberate self-harm, disordered eating, substance abuse, addictive behaviours, and any other form of self-mutilation. Readers will learn to understand and begin to heal from these behaviours, rather than continuing the cycle of distraction and resistance.

The self-motivating, easy-to-follow techniques Lisa provides focus on calming the body, containing overwhelming emotions, managing negative and distorted thoughts, addressing tension and anxiety, improving communication skills, and decreasing a sense of vulnerability.

"This is a book for anyone who has had a rocky start in life and is ready to stop turning that neglect and abuse in on themselves. The exercises in Letting Go of Self-Destructive Behaviors will help you and your therapist navigate the rough terrain from self-inflicted pain to healthy self-soothing. Even if you have experienced a good reason not to trust a therapist, Lisa Ferentz will win you over with her compassionate, non-judging and wise approach to putting you in the driver's seat. After reading about Lisa Ferentz's calm acceptance of her clients' ‘secrets,’ and the ways in which they begin to let go of shame and change their behaviour, you will be inspired to work with a therapist who can help you."

Amy Weintraub is the author of Yoga Skills for Therapists and Yoga for Depression and is the founder of the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute

If you would like further information about this book then click here!

Each day I feel like I am changing and I still have bad days but facing my demons is really allowing me to move forward and hopefully I will stop self harming myself with food.

Thank you so much for reading

Tracy xx

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

An exciting purchase and a life update!



If you follow me on twitter you may be aware that one of the reasons I have not been uploading posts to my blog is that my laptop has broke. Whilst I was studying I had a MacBook, however over the years it broke and I settled for a Sony Vaio. Blogging has allowed me to be more creative and I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to invest in a MacBook Pro.

This is an extremely considered purchase for me but I trust the Apple brand and I am hoping that my new laptop will see me through and allow me to be more creative.

Whilst I was buying my laptop I thought it was about time to invest in a camera. All my blog pictures taken so far have been taken using my iPhone and they are not ideal but it gave me a taste of whether blogging was something I wanted to continue with.

That being said I had full intensions of purchasing the Samsung NX3000, however my photography skills are very basic and after speaking to the sales assistant he guided me towards the Sony Cyber Shot DSC-WX80 Compact Digital Camera. I can honestly say it is the cutest thing and hoping it will help me improve the quality of my future posts.

Another reason for the lack of blog posts recently is I am back to work so I am focusing on getting into a routine which means that I have not had the time and I don't want to rush my posts.

Last week I had another counselling session and it went well, I am spending some time realising my life's worth. I do deserve to be happy and I deserve to feel comfortable giving my opinion on matters that effect me.

The old me would have plodded on whether I was happy or not and ending up in a worse situation but I am now recognising when maybes I cant cope or manage and I am trying to let my feelings known so it will help me further down the line.

In myself I have good days and bad days, I have found that having people around me makes me happier as I don't have time to sit and think about things and when I am alone I over think things and beat myself up.

Recently I have received a book which helps with ways of stopping self destructive behaviour and I am really enjoying it and it is very reassuring to know that I am not alone. I want to do a review of the book soon, but I want to spend some time reading it and doing the activities.

So thought I would just give you an update and hope your all well.

Thanks for reading


Tracy xx


Liebster Award!



I have recently been nominated for this award by Carolin at  and Michelle from

I am so pleased to be nominated! Thank you ladies!


The Rules!

-Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award

-Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger

-Give 11 facts about yourself

-Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)

-Let the bloggers know you have nominated them

-Give 11 questions to them to answer

Since I have been nominated twice I am going to pick  from Carolin and from Michelle's questions.

Question Time!

1) Why did you start blogging?

I decided to start blogging to help me deal with my day to day struggles with weight loss and depression, and also share my love for all things beauty and fashion. Blogging is my time, for me, my voice, my opinion and a hobby I can focus on to turn my life into something more positive for myself.

2) Have you changed much over the last year?

Defiantly! a lot has changed for me over the last year and all though a lot of it has been negative I am pleased that it is turning around and I am working on making a brighter future. I am a lot more (or at least trying to be!) more open and wiser now.

3) If you could star in a TV series based on your life, what would it be? (sitcom, drama etc…)

This is an interesting question, I think it would have to be a comedy, something like Miranda, I am loving watching old episodes lately. Its not offensive, not challenging and a laugh a minute mixed in with some 'it could only happen to me!' moments.

4) What is your dream job/ personal goal?

My personal goal has always been to loose a lot of weight so I am a healthy size and can gain the most out of my life. My dream job, in all honesty would be travelling the world, blogging and writing about my experiences, whether that be a book or a blog. Another dream job would be working as a plus size fashion designer.

5) What little thing makes you happy?

The littlest thing I own makes me the most happy, my dog Lulu. She is my little baby! She's with me whenever she can be and always there to make me smile and gives me a reason to smile.

6) How old are you?


I am 27, I will be 28 on March 3rd! Feeling old!

7) Fame or true love?

True love, always!

8) What is your favourite holiday and why?

Me and my mam went to Benidorm when I was 17, it was great, we both had our health and spent some quality time together getting to discover a new place.

9) What is your favourite era?

Interesting question! I love the 1940's-50's. Saying that musicals have took a huge part in this, I'm sure not everyone would dance and sing like Dorris Day and Judy Garland!

10) What is your favourite post from your blog so far?

This is tricky as my blog is still new, but I would have to say Tough Times, just because I found it hard to write but felt a sense of relief once I wrote about my feelings and thoughts.

11) Which is better: taking a bath or having a shower?

Bath, especially in the colder months when all the lovely, exciting Lush products come out!

11 Facts about me:

I have cheated and used the 7 from my one lovely blog award post!

1) I studied Graphic Design in Collage and have a degree in Graphic Design.

2) I live in Newcastle upon Tyne and have done all my life and I love it here, everyone is so friendly.

3) I used to be a bar maid and loved it!

4) I love writing, reading and would love to publish a book one day.

5) I am always sketching and designing pieces I would love to make for the plus size market and have a passion for fashion.

6) I enjoy sewing and being crafty. You will find me with the paper, glue and glitter!

7) I am a only child.

8) I have recently started to go back to aqua fit and loving it!

9) I still live at home with my mam and my dog

10) I drive and only past my test 2 years ago, the best thing I have ever done!

11) I am now a proud owner of a MacBook Pro! (really struggling at this point haha!)


Blogs I nominate:



Oily Skin Blog

Gillian Anderson

Laura Jane Wilde

Sarah Watson

Sammie Scaldwell

Prompts By Dee

Holly Pryce

Joanna Jana Laznicka

Diana Marks


11 questions for you!

1) What made you decided to blog?

2) What is your favourite thing to do in the colder months?

3) Name your favourite bath/shower products that you are using at the moment.

4) What is your favourite season and why?

5) What is your current job and what would your dream job be?

6) What did you want to be when you grow up apposed to what you are currently doing?

7) What is more important to you hair care or skin care and why?

8) If you could have the chance to have your perfect body, hair and skin care, the full package but have a horrible personality for a week only, what would you choose?

9) How long have you been a blogger for?

10) Where would you like to see yourself in two years time?

11) is a new blog, if you had to pass on one bit of advice you have gained blogging ,what would it be?

So those are my questions, look forward to reading your answers and be sure to link your posts in the comments below.


Thanks for reading

Tracy xx




Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Because you had a bad day!


So being a 'newbie' blogger, I am learning all the time. This week my site has had a few technical issues, my comments are being spammed and time I have available for blogging has been reduced.

Being a newbie, everything has been exciting and new. So once the newness wears off and the only new things are problems, blogging changes. I have been trying to think about blog posts that people would be interested in reading, what would get the most views, how much my stats are increasing by and how I can receive products to sample and review.

Then I realised, when I created Little Miss Plus Size, it was about me, my voice, my journey through life sharing the products I love! Its not about the highest stats, the most subscribers and the constant advertising of my blog.

My blog is about me, I want my readers to know me and if that means I only have one follower I will be thankful that they know who I am, that they read my posts and they are not just following my blog so they will get a follow in return.

I also have been caught up in the world of blogging and have not spent the time I would like to read my favourite blogs. I have always loved watching Youtube videos from some great beauty gurus, however blogging has shown them in a different light. Its all about numbers, followers and twitter hits. This is a side that you don't see in my opinion when you are a subscriber to there channel.

Recently I have also thought that if I haven't posted that week that I must write a post and I worry that maybes I am not posting as much as I should.

I love blogging (believe it or not after that ramble!) however I just want to let you know how easy it is to get caught up in the blogging world. From now on stats, followers and quick blog posts are going to be a thing of the past.

Quality posts instead of quantity, I want my blog to grow over the years with my experiences and genuine readers, not end up being a number. I want to learn new photography skills as well as writing skills.

Sorry for the not so happy post but I felt I have to let you know how I am currently feeling and hope you will see a change on my blog in the future.

Thanks for reading

Tracy xx



Wednesday, 8 October 2014 October Box!


Over the past few years I have been a fan of beauty monthly subscription boxes, I am a fan of GlossyBox and Birchbox UK. For those of you who are not aware, the concept is you pay a monthly subscription fee or a one off payment in return for a gift box delivered to your door with deluxe samples of the latest beauty products on the market.

I love this concept because for a small fee you have an opportunity to try a lot of new products that are maybes out of your prize range to try the full sizes.

Last month I was looking online and reading blog posts and came across offer a monthly subscription box, but its not for beauty products, it is for accessories from new and undiscovered designers. The concept is really sweet, what's not to love about receiving a lovely packaged gift box all neatly wrapped with lovely treasures inside.

So when I was contacted by Gaelle, the creator of Wifty Box, and asked if I would like to try their October Box I jumped at the chance!

So today was the day, the box was delivered by a local courier and I was so excited to see what was inside. Of course being a blogger I wanted to leave everything all wrapped up neatly and take pictures, but I couldn't wait! Opening each item was exciting.

When you open the box you are presented with a information card giving you information on what that particular months box contains and a bit more information about the designers or the inspiration behind the box. This month the box was inspired by the Mexican celebration, Dia de Muertos and contains a Wifty exclusive piece created by artists Philip Eggleston and Domingo.

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So the first item I opened was a candy striped bag that contained skull shaped sweets, they remind me of white mice sweets but they were in the shape of a sugar skull, they were very tasty, I enjoyed nibbling on them as I opened the rest of my box!


There was a larger item wrapped up in tissue and I was not disappointed with what I found. It was a beautiful red rose clip, feels like velvet and in such a beautiful red wine colour. It is a crocodile clip and would look lovely in your hair, I even think that you could add this to a jacket through a button hole or on a handbag. It can be so versatile but think a up do with this as a accessory would look amazing.

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The next package I opened was this lovely tattoo transfer, now I don't have any real tattoos so this could look cute, the design is a lovely rose, and I think is subtle but could still edge up an outfit. It has been provided to Wifty box by why not check them out on twitter @23jewellery.


Last but by no means least I opened my final little surprise and it was this adorable [un]possible cuts wooden broach. I love the colour, a lovely turquoise colour with a etched out design so you can see the wood showing through and I will be adding this to my keys I think it will look very cute!

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One thing that is apparent when you receive this box is that it has been created to make the experience of opening it very enjoyable. Everything is neatly wrapped in tissue and sealed with cute stickers. I feel very lucky and extremely grateful to have receive the October box.

Anyone who can support new and undiscovered designers gets a thumbs up from me and also the items you receive are unique and I can guarantee they will be a talking point.

The box itself costs £15 per month and for that you receive 2-3 pieces and you can cancel at anytime which is always a plus so your not tied down or committed for a certain period. They also offer 6 month subscriptions for £75 and a annual subscription for £135, if you were enjoying your Wifty Box and you thought you were going to be signing up each month then the 6 and 12 month subscriptions would save you a little money too.

IMG_0519 (1) have been kind enough to offer my readers 10% off your first order! (valid once per person until 31/10/2014) by quoting littlemissplusssize10 at checkout. So I am so excited that you get the opportunity to try Wifty box also!

If you think that you would like to give it a try click here!

*This box was kindly gifted to me but I am not being paid or sponsored for this post and all my thoughts are not influenced in any way.

Thank you for reading

Tracy xx

Tried & Tested Skincare!

Firstly I believe skincare is very personal and what works for one person may not work for another, I guess that is why the skincare industry is so big as companies are dying to create that perfect product that appeals to everyone.

All my life I have had problematic skin, my skin is oily/combination with a dry nose! Yes, try finding a product that suits that skin type. I generally suffer with breakouts however as I have got older I have come to realise that my diet and lack of water have had a huge impact on my skin.

If you have read my Lush Christmas & Halloween Haul you will have seen that I picked up Bûche de Noël, a facial cleanser that is limited addition over the festive season.


I have never used a cleanser from Lush before but I was excited to give it a go. Firstly I was not so keen on the scent but I did not let that put me off, the idea is that you scoop out the amount of cleanser you need and add a little bit of water and use your hands to rub the mixture together until it forms a paste. I must admit that when I first tried this I found the feeling very strange (I normally just use a cleanser that is smooth) and a little bit like putting porridge on my face (not that I have done that before!) however the second and third time I started to look forward to my cleansing routine. It became a few minutes out of my day that I could relax and feel like I was giving my skin a treat. The amount of cleanser that I have used is such a small amount as when you add the water it helps the product go further.

Bûche de Noël:

'helps to bring back radiance to wintry skin

sweet almonds, kaolin and fruits gently buff and clean

Cocoa butter softens the skin

balance is restored by its fragrant essential oils'

I have been using this cleanser in conjunction with another product which I will get onto and I can honestly say my skin feels a lot softer and smoother.

I would defiantly recommend this cleanser to anyone looking to change there skin care routine for the winter months. The cleanser £6.50 for 100mls, so depending on what you are currently using or your budget I think that this is quite affordable considering how long the product will last.

A great thing that I love and admire about Lush is that they never force products onto you, they are more keen to match you with the right product than you pay for a product that you don't like or that doesn't suit you. With that being said if you go into a Lush store and have a genuine interest in purchasing this cleanser then ask if you could have a sample, Lush are normally good like that and as I mentioned earlier skincare is so personal so having a sample is a good way to see if the product is right for you.

Available now, click here!

Alongside Bûche de Noël, I have also been using a Foryou exfoliator, E1. I was kindly sent this sample to try and I am no way being paid or sponsored by Foryou Skincare.


The E1 exfoliator contains salicylic acid which helps to, in my opinion remove the dead skin and leave you with soft plump skin.  I have been using this alongside Bûche de Noël however this exfoliator can be used on its own and even daily which impressed me, as normally exfoliators are too harsh to be used daily.

The exfoliator is very pleasant to use, no unpleasant or overpowering scent, It has very little smell and it is very natural/herbal so it does not interfere with any other products I use.

The texture is so enjoyable to use. The exfoliator feels very moisturising and the grains are just the right consistency. They are large enough to exfoliate the skin yet not to harsh that it scratches the skin, and yet not too small that it is too smooth.

After using the exfoliator immediately after my skin is noticeable brighter and feels a lot smoother. At the moment it has not broken me out or irritated my skin and I can feel a noticeable difference in my skin using both products combined.

My blemishes have calmed down and my skin looks more radiant and smoother. This exfoliator costs £25 for 150mls however it is currently down to £20 so it is a little bit cheaper at the moment. Again I would recommend trying a sample as personally I would see this as a considered purchase, Foryou skincare have also made sure that you can try before you commit to the full size by offering a sample size for £1 which I would recommend doing before purchasing the full size.

Available now, click here!

I have included a before and after photo, make up free to allow you to see the difference in my skin.


I have really been enjoying both products and finally cleansing has become a treat!

Thank you for reading

Tracy xx