Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Trying to be a better blogger!
Firstly I hope everyone is well and I just want to apologise for being absent on my blog for a little while now, I don't know about you but I have found anytime I have missed posting for a couple of times life just seems to get in the way and it takes me a while to get back into the swing of things!
Recently I have been sorting out my beauty products and realised how many great things I had and never used, to the point I have gave them to better homes as they needed to be used before the end of their shelf life, this has really made me think about current purchases and rather than buy something to try or photograph I have to ask myself 'Do I really need this?' Which has meant I have had no new finds to blog about!
alongside that I have fallen a little out of love with my logo and blog design and feel that a new design might be on the cards to refresh my blog, what do you think?
Onthe plus side I am feeling tons better and a lot more positive these days and finding the medication is working fine but still need time for it to kick in fully.
Since the Race for Life I have found a love for walking, who knew! So I have taken it upon myself to get out when I can and use my run keeper app to keep track of the distance I have walked. Not only am I out getting fresh air but knowing how happy it makes my little dog is a anti depressant in itself!!
I have also been looking into healthier recipes for sweet treats and I was introduced to healthy brownies made using sweet potatoe,yes you heard right, and they are delicious even my mam liked them!
At the moment I am currently obsessed with Instagram (Little_miss_plus_size) and find myself in situations thinking, wait I need to take a photo before I try this or hmm this looks cute let's take a photo!
So this was just a little bit of a chatty post but I would love to know what's going on in your life and if your having a good summer!
Remember if you would like to leave me any feedback on my blog design or logo I'd really appreciate it or if you have any ideas on future posts you would like to see.
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
Saturday, 11 July 2015
A little update!
Firstly I just want to say sorry for being MIA for a while, over the past couple of weeks I have really struggled with my depression, so much so I felt like I didn't want to do anything or go anywhere.
When I would be around people I felt really weepy and would cry uncontrollably and it would be the slightest thing that would set me of!
I felt like I hit rock bottom and decided to make an appointment with my GP. Now if you know me, then you will know that I try my hardest to avoid taking tablets, even paracetamol!
So when a Dr suggested that I would benefit from taking antidepressants I was very sceptical but thought that things had got to bad and I had to give anything that would help a try.
I was prescribed antidepressants (I won't go into which ones as I am not medically trained etc) and after researching and reading people's reviews I scared myself into not taking them and another week went by.
Everyone who I was speaking to was asking how the tablets were going and if I had started taking them. I shared my thoughts with them and after outwaying the good from the bad I decided I just had to give them a go.
The tablets I was taking were two tablets one in a morning and one in a evening. After three days of taking them I knew that this was not going to work, I had really painful headaches (like the pressure you feel when taking off on a plane) and also trouble swollowing not to mention constantly feeling sick.
I looked at the leaflet and they strongly suggested not stopping until you see your GP, my next appointment wasn't until a further 3 weeks so I decided to call the pharmacy who explained that after taking them for only three days it would be fine to stop.
I decided to come off the tablets but still kept my appointment that I booked with my GP. Now the GP I saw this time was a familiar one, a one who has helped and listen to my Mam in the past, and a one I trust.
She didn't just look at her computer screen, she looked at me, asked about what went on with previous tablets and said that if she thought I was worried about taking any antidepressants then she wouldn't feel comfortable in prescribing them to me.
She then went to ask about why I was unsure of them and what my concerns were. I felt able to talk to her and ask even the silliest of questions without feeling, well silly!
After speeking to her I felt a lot calmer and agreed to give some new tablets a try and I am so glad I did!
So far the only side effect I have had is feeling sleepy so so far so good! What I do want to say is that if your nervous about taking any medication, speak to your GP! Write a list with your questions and concerns so you are prepared and although the Internet can offer some amazing advice it can also have the opposite effect and your GP will be the best point of call.
I feel extremely lucky that I have managed to find someone who has been through a similar situation and has found a positive result from taking antidepressants. It's so helpful to have someone to ask questions and talk to about it!
Aswell as the above I have been worrying about the Race for Life which is this weekend, when I originally signed up I had planned to be more prepared at this stage and the thought of not being able to complete it terrifies me!
After a lot of persusuading by some great friends I am going to just turn up and give it my best shot!
I do hope to get back into the swing of things again with my blog but it may take a week or so.
I am now the owner of a iPhone 6 and I am loving having a iPhone again! So with that being said my Instagram is getting more attention than it previously did, you can find me at little_miss_plus_size so come and say hi!
Lastly I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has liked my Facebook page and entered my dress competition and the winner has been announced and I am pleased to say that she has also received her dress and looks amazing!
Thank you for sticking by me and thanks for reading!
Tracy xx
When I would be around people I felt really weepy and would cry uncontrollably and it would be the slightest thing that would set me of!
I felt like I hit rock bottom and decided to make an appointment with my GP. Now if you know me, then you will know that I try my hardest to avoid taking tablets, even paracetamol!
So when a Dr suggested that I would benefit from taking antidepressants I was very sceptical but thought that things had got to bad and I had to give anything that would help a try.
I was prescribed antidepressants (I won't go into which ones as I am not medically trained etc) and after researching and reading people's reviews I scared myself into not taking them and another week went by.
Everyone who I was speaking to was asking how the tablets were going and if I had started taking them. I shared my thoughts with them and after outwaying the good from the bad I decided I just had to give them a go.
The tablets I was taking were two tablets one in a morning and one in a evening. After three days of taking them I knew that this was not going to work, I had really painful headaches (like the pressure you feel when taking off on a plane) and also trouble swollowing not to mention constantly feeling sick.
I looked at the leaflet and they strongly suggested not stopping until you see your GP, my next appointment wasn't until a further 3 weeks so I decided to call the pharmacy who explained that after taking them for only three days it would be fine to stop.
I decided to come off the tablets but still kept my appointment that I booked with my GP. Now the GP I saw this time was a familiar one, a one who has helped and listen to my Mam in the past, and a one I trust.
She didn't just look at her computer screen, she looked at me, asked about what went on with previous tablets and said that if she thought I was worried about taking any antidepressants then she wouldn't feel comfortable in prescribing them to me.
She then went to ask about why I was unsure of them and what my concerns were. I felt able to talk to her and ask even the silliest of questions without feeling, well silly!
After speeking to her I felt a lot calmer and agreed to give some new tablets a try and I am so glad I did!
So far the only side effect I have had is feeling sleepy so so far so good! What I do want to say is that if your nervous about taking any medication, speak to your GP! Write a list with your questions and concerns so you are prepared and although the Internet can offer some amazing advice it can also have the opposite effect and your GP will be the best point of call.
I feel extremely lucky that I have managed to find someone who has been through a similar situation and has found a positive result from taking antidepressants. It's so helpful to have someone to ask questions and talk to about it!
Aswell as the above I have been worrying about the Race for Life which is this weekend, when I originally signed up I had planned to be more prepared at this stage and the thought of not being able to complete it terrifies me!
After a lot of persusuading by some great friends I am going to just turn up and give it my best shot!
I do hope to get back into the swing of things again with my blog but it may take a week or so.
I am now the owner of a iPhone 6 and I am loving having a iPhone again! So with that being said my Instagram is getting more attention than it previously did, you can find me at little_miss_plus_size so come and say hi!
Lastly I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has liked my Facebook page and entered my dress competition and the winner has been announced and I am pleased to say that she has also received her dress and looks amazing!
Thank you for sticking by me and thanks for reading!
Tracy xx
Sunday, 14 June 2015
The difference between living with & suffering with Depression!
So last year I was diagnosed with depression, an illness I had never really believed in! Growing up I was always told that people who used to say that they were depressed or had depression were just feeling a little sad and that they should just pull themselves together!
So imagine when somebody tells you that they think that you are depressed and that you should see a Dr! It took me ages before booking an appointment with my doctor because in my eyes I was just having a tough time.
Now in a short space of time a lot of things went wrong, I just couldn't cope anymore. I couldn't ever imagine being happy again and I just wanted to cut myself off from the world. I couldn't see a way forward anymore and became low, almost as if I was in a daze.
Now at that point I knew I needed to do something but even then I questioned whether or not I had depression. The Dr told be I was severely depressed and explained the difference between feeling sad and actual depression.
Over the past year I have improved dramatically, I started to be more sociable, feel happier in myself and even made a good job of trying to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life. Last friday was one of the worst days I have had in a long time, I couldn't stop crying event to the point I was hyperventilating and did not want to be here anymore. I was so worried that everything I had achieved in the past year had all gone to waste and that I was back to the beginning.
I had received a bit of bad news about my mam, we are so close and the thought of losing her was unbearable and along with other things just tipped me over the edge.
Now I spent a good hour with a friend being told that I was not back where I was and that there is no smooth transition to recovery and that I should be less tough on myself. I made an appointment with the Dr's and he agrees that I am not where I was last year but I could still do with help and support at the moment just until things started to improve.
I would say that from February onwards I really thought that my depression was going away and would never come back but I have realised that there are two stages with depression, Living with and suffering from.
At the beginning I was suffering with my depression and then I learnt to live with it, at this moment in time I am battling with controlling my depression.
If you are reading this and think things will never get better, they will! Nobody can go through it on their own you need to see your Doctor and discuss it with them/ I have found that even just talking to someone really helps me.
Am I sad everyday? No, absolutely not. I have found a way to manage my day to day life and actually up until I shared my blog with friends and family people were unaware that I have depression.
If you are reading this and feel like you are struggling at the moment and may be suffering with depression please seek help, your life is so precious and you owe it to yourself to be happy.
If you are reading this and are sceptical about depression, please think before you assume that someone is just 'having a bad day' or 'cant be bothered' yes people do have days like that and unfortunately there are those who use the term depression too lightly, but from my experience the thought that people would think those thoughts about me actually delayed me getting help.
Depression may never fully go away but there is a difference between living with it and suffering from it.
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
What do you know about beauty? Your fat!
Growing up, I can always remember wanting the latest make up products from the latest brand. I loved make up and experimenting with different hairstyles. As I got older I learnt more about what to spend more money on and what I could get cheaper that did just the same job.
When your growing up you learn tips and tricks, products that work and ones that don't, I remember spending nights watching QVC make up shows and learning the basics as my mam never really bothers with make up, she doesn't need to.
So as the years went on I started to really enjoy learning and from make up I was then introduced to the importance of skincare and choosing the right skincare for your skin type.
I have read blogs, followed youtubers for years now who share their love for beauty, skincare and fashion. Sitting watching videos and reading posts I would always think to myself that I would love to do that one day and then I would think why would people listen to what I have to say, after all I am not your typical looking beauty blogger.
Last September I started blogging and I discovered the amazing plus size community, woman of all shapes and sizes sharing their passion for all the things I have put off doing for so long. If you did not know I originally created this blog to help me deal with my depression and also have something to focus on and put all of my energy into.
The plus size community is huge (no pun intended!) and I have been so inspired and given the confidence to share my knowledge, my love and my passion for all things beauty and fashion. Every time I am asked about what I blog about I always think that when I say beauty, the person would automatically think 'What do you know about beauty? Your fat!
I don't know about you, but when I meet someone I don't think 'she's too fat to know about beauty' so why would I think people would think that about me? My conclusion is that most beauty bloggers tend to traditionally be slim and well, beautiful!
The world has a view that being overweight is ugly, now all the lovely and amazing plus size bloggers and models have changed the way people think about plus size woman when it comes to fashion but the stigma is still there when it comes to beauty. However there are well known plus size bloggers sharing their love for beauty and skincare and hopefully the beauty industry will follow the way the fashion industry has.
Who has the right to say someone knows nothing about beauty or that there size dictates what they do and don't have the right to talk about?
Let me know your thoughts! If you had the choice to take the views of a plus size beauty blogger or a traditional beauty blogger who would you choose and why?
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Hydraluron Moisture Jelly Review!
So a while ago now I purchased Indeed Laboratories Hydraluron Moisture Jelly, I had heard a lot about their serums and when I was shopping in Boots I was intrigued with the products the brand had to offer.
I tend to have a love/hate relationship with moisturisers as my skin tends to change a lot throughout the year, some can be too thick or too thin, so when I saw the word 'Jelly' I thought that this could be interesting.
You use this morning and night to get the best results and you only need a pea sized amount which you apply to your face and neck after cleansing.
Firstly I love the packaging, you simply press the top down and the product is released, the amount is already measured for you so there is also no waste!
I hate it when I buy a higher end product and I cannot get all of the product out of the packaging without cutting it so I love that when you use the product there is a mechanism that pushes the product further up the container so that there is no waste! Genius!
The jelly itself is very lightweight and like nothing I have ever tried before. It sinks into my skin perfectly and immediately my face feels hydrated. One thing I will say is that being a moisturiser user for so long, I found that getting used to the texture took a little while as it is a little more 'tacky' on the skin. Once the jelly is fully absorbed then it is absolutely fine.
One of the most important ingredients in this moisture jelly is Hyaluronic Acid, an ingredient everybody is currently obsessed with and now I know why!
Hyaluronic acid helps to retain over a 1000 times its weight in water within the cells of skin, making it an excellent moisturizer. In fact, no other biological substance can retain as much water as HA resulting in increased smoothness, softening and decreased wrinkles.
Now this is not the cheapest product, at £24.99 for 30mls it can be expensive but if you are looking to give it a go I would defiantly suggest going into Boots and if they have have a tester, try it just to see if the texture is something that you would be interested in.
Have you tried any products from this brand before? If so what? Or maybes you have a moisturiser that you couldn't live without?
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Cupcake Decorating & Afternoon Tea: Blogger Event!
If you follow me on Facebook then you will know that a few weeks back I received an invite to a very exciting blogger event hosted by Joe Blogs and #toastofthetown. I have been invited to previous events but always refused as I was very nervous and quite frankly terrified!
When the exciting email made its way to my inbox I simply couldn't resist! The event invite was for an afternoon cupcake decorating followed by afternoon tea! This sounded like my ideal opportunity to attend my very first blogger event!
Over the past week or so my depression has really kicked in again prompted by a couple of things and as I got closer to today (day of the event) I was almost ready to cancel. Personally I find it so annoying when someone cancels at last minute so I decided to just get ready and go!
I couldn't be happier that I attended such a lovely, well planned event! The event was held at the Copthorne Hotel, which is part of the Millennium Hotel chain. The hotel itself is in the most idelic place in Newcastle, it is located on the Quayside, within walking distance from all that Newcastle has to offer!
The reception staff were so helpful and friendly as I nervously arrived and then I was introduced to the staff that were working the event, all lovely, happy people and I started to calm down, took a seat in the amazing reception area overlooking the peaceful and calm flow of the River Tyne.
Once everyone had arrived we made our way to some nibbles and beverages, all beautifully set out (I nervously fumbled with my camera as I decided whether or not it was socially acceptable to take photos of the food).
I spoke to some lovely bloggers, very friendly and we just chatted about our experiences as bloggers and I nervously smiled away. We were then taken to the room where we were going to doing some cake decorating with Julies Cake House, a company that specialises in beautiful cakes that are made to order as well as offering cake decorating classes too!
Everyone had all the equipment needed to make four gorgeous cupcakes all using different techniques and helping us learn different skills.
We all made a flower, a cute teddy bear, a makeup inspired and a flower with a ladybird cupcakes.
I have never had so much fun just being creative because we can! As I have got older I have found that I generally do creative tasks because I have to as there is a need for it, however this event allowed me to thoroughly enjoy just taking my time trying to create something pretty that also tasted amazing too!
Everyone from Julies Cake House were so friendly and helpful and made sure that all of us bloggers could see how to achieve our cupcake creations.
So after a great time cupcake decorating we were then taken o a tour of the hotel, The Copthorne is an immaculate hotel and the rooms are so accommodating, not to mention the beautiful views! This hotel has been designed and decorated with the visitors needs as their number one priority. I managed to pick up a booklet with information on their Christmas & New Year celebrations as this would be an amazing place to sit back and watch the New Years Eve fireworks being set off over the Tyne Bridge.
Now if a cupcake decorating class was not enough, we then ended the afternoon with afternoon tea. I have to say that the attention to detail throughout the whole event could not be faulted and the afternoon tea was certainly beyond my expectations!
We ended the afternoon with sandwiches, cakes and scones, feeling a little bit calmer at this point. I thoroughly enjoyed chatting to everyone and feel really lucky that I was given this opportunity!
Sometimes we think that we can't do certain things in life, if we simply take all the opportunities we are given we start to develop new skills, meet new people and most of all learn that sometimes the things that take us out of our comfort zone are actually the times in our lives that we shine the brightest!
Thank you to everyone at Joe Blogs for making my first ever blog event such a lovely experience! I have had a lovely afternoon and decided to share my cupcakes I made with my Mam!
If you are thinking of planning a trip to Newcastle and looking for somewhere to stay to make your trip more memorable I would highly recommend staying at the Copthorne hotel, and if you are looking for something creative to do, why not head to Julies Cake House at the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate for a class in cake decorating!
If you want to find out more about Julies Cake House or the Copthorne Hotel then please click the links below.
Copthorne Hotel-
Find out more about afternoon tea's-best-afternoon-tea-experiences/
Julies Cake House-
I hope you have enjoyed this post as much as I have enjoyed writing it!
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Who am I going to be Today?
Butcher, baker or even candlestick maker? Ok so maybes not but over the past couple of weeks I have been sharing on social media my business ideas etc. My friends that follow my personal Facebook account might think I have just about lost the plot! Each day I wake up and discuss with my Mam my ideas and she simply puts her hands in her head and just bites her tongue.
When I was growing up my favourite place was a craft store or a stationary shop, still to this day I have a pile of notebooks that I refuse to write in incase I mess them up! The other day I looked through my notebooks and found a brand new filofax with 2013 diary inserts untouched!
Anyhow I am going off track (not like me at all!), as I was saying, my Mam always kept introducing me to different crafts and hobbies and I always thought that when I 'grew up' I would have a job doing something creative.
When I left school I had no idea about what I wanted to do or how I would get there. I studied Art & Design in six form, went on holiday in the summer and came back wanting to be a holiday rep or travel agent!!
After studying travel and tourism for 3 years I realised that (eventually) I wanted to do something more creative as a career. This is when I was introduced to graphic design.
I had an amazing tutor during my first two years, then once I started my degree things started to change for me. I wasn't enjoying the course and hearing about how most Graphic Designers work freelance made me re-think my future. I had bills to pay and knew that I needed a steady, secure income for my future.
I was already working part time at this point in a local social club and in a office job and decided to take the offer of a permeant office job instead of continuing my studies any further.
I have created many blogs in the past and I simply was not committed and they sort of fizzled away until last September (it has been 8 months already!) I created Little Miss Plus Size.
This allowed me to do so many things, I was able to share with you my experience going through the worst part of my life, share my weight loss struggles, my beauty finds and about living a plus sized life. This gave me a place to be creative again, creating a logo, my website and not to mention developing my photography skills.
This was one of my very first pictures I took for my blog and looking back my photography skills have improved, hopefully you agree!
As you can see my logo has changed over my time blogging and in my opinion my skills have developed and changed over 8 months, and who knows it might even be completely different 8 months from now.
So blogging has helped channel my creativity and I have always accepted the fact that I would work a 9-5 (if you know me sometimes its more like 8-3!) and thats all I am good enough for, until now!
I have tried a little bit of social media management and really enjoyed it, until it made me want my own business! Now going from wanting to be a ballerina when I was young (yes you heard right, a ballerina!) to dabbling in art and design, travel and tourism & graphic design I in all honesty had no idea what I wanted to do, I think I texted my friend Jen a new business idea and plan every other day.
I have went from web design, bath bombs, jewellery design, fashion, you name it and I have thought about it.
If your a blogger, then you will understand how great it is trying to get the right photography to go with your blog posts, sometimes its even the accidental shots that are the best. I used to use a simple point and shoot for my blog photos but I am so excited to let you know that I am now a proud owner of a DSLR!
I have never had an expensive camera, and to be honest you do not need one to blog. I really wanted to get into photography a bit more and learn some new techniques. I have touched on photography in the past during my time studying but there are so many things I want to learn.
So your now wondering what has my DSLR got to do with my business idea! You know how passionate I am about my dog, Lulu and she is a huge part of my family (even though she is tiny!) so I had a brainwave, yes you guessed it, I am currently in the process of setting up a pet photography business!!
I am so excited and even have a few pictures up already on my Facebook page. Now I am not saying that if you buy a camera and have a pet that you can be a pet photographer (well technically you can!), it takes hard work, taking unique shots and capturing a animals personality. This is going to be a very long process as I plan on making it a hobby until I feel that I am able to take pictures that I would be proud to sell. At the moment I am in the process of setting up a website and arranging free photography sessions with clients.
I am also in the process of setting up a blog/website dedicated to my love of stationary and planners, I wanted to keep this separate from Little Miss Plus Size as I understand that if you are a regular reader interested in beauty and plus size fashion then this might not be for you.
So I am so looking forward to my two new projects and between them, Little Miss Plus Size and my job I should be quite busy!
People might laugh, might say that you can't and even pull you down, but let that be what drives you! We live in a world where we can be whatever we want to be! Nobody said its going to be easy but if you really want to do something then you can do it with hard work and dedication.
I know that this has been a long winded ramble but I just wanted to let you know what is currently happening and re-assure those of you that know me that I am not going mad!
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
Friday, 29 May 2015
NUXE Reve de Miel Review!
For a long time I have heard other bloggers and Youtubers rave about Nuxe's Reve de Miel lip balm. So whilst I was shopping in Marks and Spencers a few months ago I noticed that they now sell Nuxe products and thought that it was about time I gave it a try.
For those of you who aren't away, this lip balm is very intense and known to heal the driest, most dehydrated lips! The smell is like terrys chocolate orange and is a little overpowering, however it is not to overpowering that I wouldn't use it.
I always seem to have chapped lips, be it winter or summer and try a range of different products to help keep them hydrated. Nothing has worked for me like this, I apply it in an evening before I go to bed and in the morning they are a lot softer, smoother and hydrated.
This is a really thick balm, that is why I tend to keep it for evenings, however if you want to use it all day everyday then there is nothing stopping you!
The balm itself contains honey and precious oils and lasts forever! Nuxe also do a stick version which I was tempted to pick up as well as I think that it may be better for during the day.
This pot is 15g and costs £9.50 so a little on the pricey side however worth the money if your standard everyday lip balm isn't working for you.
Have you tried this? What do you think?
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
Monday, 25 May 2015
Win a BBW Couture UK Retro Vintage Dress!
Over the weekend I reached 100 likes on my Facebook page. I also managed to reach 1000 twitter followers so I thought what better way to say thank you than to run a Facebook competition!
After being inspired by all the lovely summer dresses out there I thought that a dress would be the perfect prize for my giveaway. I am so pleased to say that the competition is to win a BBW Couture UK Retro Vintage dress!
[gallery link="none" columns="4" ids="1367,1368,1369,1370,1371,1372,1373,1374,1375,1376,1377"]
BBW Couture is a brand that I have recently been introduced to and they offer some great items at even better prices!
If you would like to enter then head on over to my Facebook page to find out all the details!
Once again thank you for your support I am absolutely loving blogging at the moment & Good luck!
Click here to find out more!
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
My Top 10 Plus Size Floral Dresses in Stores Now!
If you know me, then you will know I very rarely, if ever where plain clothes, I always go for the patterned option when available. My favourite of all patterns has to be floral! It is so pretty and feminine so I thought I would share with you my top 10 plus size floral dresses that are currently available to buy in store now!
This black floral print skater dress is from New Look and costs £14.99, I love the cut of this dress, I actually have the same one in a different pattern and it is so nice to wear! I tend to go for dark backgrounds as usually they can be more flattering and I love the pinky/peach flowers to add a soft feminine touch!. The length is also great to, just on your knees!
I love this Navy Floral print dress from Yours Clothing, I honestly don't think the image does it justice! I saw this dress in store and it looks so pretty and would be great for any occasion! It also has a sheer panel at the top to add a bit of interest and help break up the pattern. I love it and being able to synch in the waist with the tie belt helps to draw the eye to the smallest part of your body! £35.00
Now this is a style I wouldn't normally go for as I do not really suit shirt/blouse style items but this reminds me of dresses I used to wear when I was younger and I think some of you lovely ladies might love this style! The pattern is very bold and I love the colours! This dress has fabric covered buttons and is by the brand Voodoo Vixen which is now available at Simply Be, this dress costs £64.99 which is on the pricey side but could be great for a special occasion or holidays!
I hope we get some nice weather in the UK this summer as this would be a perfect summer Maxi dress! I always think that patterns on a light background are instantly very holiday like. This would be great to pack in your suitcase! I love the vibrant pinks and greens in this pattern and what is even better, is that this is a tiered dress, which means the top half is flowing over the bottom which is a very flattering cut! This dress is available from Simply Be for £29.00!
This navy and coral cross over dress from BBW Couture is great as I think it suits all ages! It is not too bright yet not too faded! I also think that a cross over dress can be very flattering on a plus size woman! This dress also has just the right amount of material on the sleeves to cover the tops of your arms. I was very pleased to see this dress is only £19.99!
This black floral strap scuba strap skater dress (a bit of a mouthful!) is right up my street! The pattern is bright and could possibly be worn all year round dressed up differently! I love the neckline on this dress and think that it is very flattering. Can anyone remember these dresses in the 90's in plain black? we used to wear them with white t-shirts underneath! This dress costs £24.99 from BBW Couture.
Wow! all I can say is wow! This gorgeous 1950's Vintage party dress will defiantly help you look amazing this summer! It has wider shoulders that take you to a cross over bust which is again very flattering. What I love about this dress is that it synchs you in at the waist and the is so flooaty and feminine, it makes you want to twirl like you used to when you were young! Not to mention the pattern! Floral, feminine and fun! £27.99 from BBW couture!
For those of you who like floral prints but are unsure then this dress from Scarlett and Jo would be great! You still have a gorgeous floral within the skirt but it is broken up by a very sophisticated top. The plain black top with mesh yoke looks so sophisticated and again synchs in your waist and leads to lovely flowing skirt! Defiantly a one for a event or special evening out! £65.00
This is another lovely dress from Scarlett & Jo, This prom dress is again great if your not into all over floral as the navy top with sweetheart neck line is so flattering with longer sleeves. It again synchs you in at the waist and has a amazing floral skirt. I love the bright turquoise and corals in this pattern! £65.00
This navy floral midi dress from Evans would be great for the summer! Firstly the patten is so fun and the colours are so warable! This dress is also layered so sits on the body very nicely and is very flattering. I love the crochet straps on this dress as it adds a bit of interest. In my opinion this dress could be dressed up or down! Was £30 now £20!
So thats my top 10 floral dresses which are available to buy now! If you like to find out more about these dresses then simply click on the images and it will take you to the store!
Which one is your favourite? If you enjoyed this post please let me know and I will be sure to do more!
Thanks for Reading
Tracy xx
If you would like to win a BBW Couture UK Retro Vintage dress head to my Facebook page to find out how!
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Bomb Cosmetics Haul & Review!
A few weeks ago now I was shopping in my local shopping centre and came across Fizzylicious, a store which I should be banned from! I had just visited Lush earlier that day but I could not resist picking up a few treats whilst I was there!
Fizzylicious is a store that sells a wide range of products from candles to bath products and I was defiantly attracted to all the amazing bath goodies!
Their bath products are all made by Bomb Cosmetics which is a brand I haven't tried of or even heard about until now. Seeing as I love Lush so much I thought it was about time I gave them ago.
The first thing I was attracted to was the Bath Brûlées, a bath creamer. They contain Cocoa and Shea butter so they are very nourishing to the skin. You pop them in your bath and once you feel like the water is soft enough, you simply remove it and place it back into its case. These can last up to 6 baths!! They are priced from £3.49-£3.99
Whilst I was there I picked up Cherry Aid, it looks like a real cupcake with a huge cherry on the top! This has got to be one of my favourites, it smells so sweet and contains pure Bergamot & Chamomile essential oils so its great for a nice bath time treat!
I also picked up Fairy Ring, for some reason this reminded me of Alice in Wonderland! It is adorable, again it looks like a cupcake but has these adorable little toad stools! Fairy Ring contains Lavender and May Chang essential oils, still smells sweet but not overpowering!
Looking at the Brûlées I noticed these delicious donut looking fizzes and found out that these are actually Whoopee Blasters! A Whoopee Blaster is a bath bomb with a butter filling! So you can enjoy watching it fizz away but then the butter in the middle helps to nourish your skin whilst in the bath! They cost £2.99 and really are worth the money!
Of course I had to pick up Knickerbocker Glory! It simply looks like a iced donut with hundreds and thousands on it (eating healthy and I can still enjoy treats without the guilt!). The smell is amazing! It contains pure amyris and thyme essential oils and has a scent of ice-cream and soda with Wild fruit and red berry notes!
Of course, being me I couldn't just stop there! I noticed some really small, what I thought were bath fizzers, but they were actually Bath Mallows, a bath melt. You place these into your bath and they slowly melt away leaving your bath full of goodness and essential oils to help soften and moisturise your skin! They cost £2.99 each.
The first one I picked up was Berry Love, again it looks like a cupcake but has a very fresh berry scent and contains pure Clary Sage and Bergamot essential oils. I have not tried this one yet but it is waiting in my bathroom to be used!
Out of all of these products this has to be my favourite scent, I am so sad because I cannot find the name of this one! It looks like an ice cream cornet with a flake and sprinkles! The smell on this one is so clean and delicate. If you know me and know my taste in fragrance then this is a very me scent (I know that this will not help you in the slightest!). Do you know the name of this mallow?
I also picked up Fly Away Home, simply for the cuteness factor! This is so adorable with a little ladybird and green leaf! This one contains pure Geranium & Chamomile essential oils to calm your skin and also has Cocoa and Shea Butter to help nourish. The scent is very mild and has a hint of strawberry to it!
Finally, whilst I was looking around I noticed that they also sold body butters, scrubs salts & lotions in tubs. Now the tubs are a lot more pricey (£7.99) and a gamble as if you have never used them before you have to invest in a tub of it. The one which caught my eye the most was Ocean of Bliss, a bath powder that you sprinkle in the bath and it dissolves away. This to me smells like the ocean in a tub! One thing I will say is that it has a very masculine smell to it so it could be great for both men and women. I enjoy using this after a exercise class because it feels like it helps soothe my aching muscles!
I will always be a true Lush fan but now I am so pleased to have found Bomb Cosmetics, I only wish they'd do bubble bars!
Have you tried anything from Bomb Cosmetics? Which is your favourite? I am always around on Facebook if you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, views etc with other readers!
Thanks for Reading
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